What is “heavy work” for children and how does it help?

“Heavy Work” to parents, teachers and other caregivers of children with sensory processing difficulties. So what is heavy work? How does it work? How can it benefit your child? Read below to find out more! Let’s start by talking about your senses. There are five, right? Actually, there are 8! In addition to the well-known […]

Safe Sleep

Occupations are life activities that individuals engage in, anything that is meaningful and purposeful to someone. Sleep, activities related to obtaining restorative rest and sleep to support healthy, active engagement in other occupations, is crucial throughout one’s lifespan. Sleep particularly comes to mind when you think of infants and new mommas! The American Academy of […]

Shoe Tying 101

Step-by-step instructions on how to tie shoes. By Keisha Patterson OTR/L

Scissor Skills

Anne Abernathy, MS, OTR/L Child’sPlay Therapy Center

Interoception: Being in touch with your body’s internal needs

Interoception is the sensory system that gives our bodies information regarding the internal condition of our body. In other words, it helps us identify our inner well being and guides us to meet our basic needs. Interoception awareness allows us to know exactly how our body is feeling and includes sensations such as hunger, thirst, […]

What is Sensory Diet?

If you have ever researched sensory processing difficulty, you have probably seen the term sensory diet. At first glance you may assume you are going to have to change your child’s entire diet to improve these difficulties. However, a sensory diet has nothing to do with food. In reality it is a daily “diet” of […]