Should I Teach My Child Sign Language?
Should I teach my child sign language? The answer is “yes!” Whether your child is a baby and is showing no speech and language delays or your child is a 3 year old who is not yet talking, sign language will be beneficial. It is a language of gestures, and gestures are a precursor to […]
“Teaching Children Basic Cutting Skills”
Occupational therapist and owner of ChildPlay Therapy Center, Kerri Bailey demonstrates how to teach a child to cut in a fun and developmentally appropriate way.
The “Just Right Challenge”- the OT way to reach goals
Occupational therapists are taught to find the “just right challenge” for children with sensory integration challenges. I find it’s the way to think about progressing with all children for any fine motor, visual motor or sensory related difficulties. Finding the “just right challenge” for your child is one of my favorite things to do and […]
The Therapists’ Guide to Christmas Shopping For Your Child
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…..”! Oh my! It’s already that time again. Time to start doing your Christmas shopping! The Child’sPlay therapists have compiled a list of our favorite toys to facilitate child development! Remember, limit toys that do the talking or action for your child! The less the toys do, the […]
W Sitting: What is it and why should I correct it?
Many parents have heard the phrase “W sitting” and that it is “bad” for their child to sit this way. However, many are unaware of the reason that children are discouraged from sitting in this position. First of all – what is W sitting? W Sitting is when a child is sitting on their bottom […]
What is bilateral coordination and why is it important?
Bilateral coordination refers to the ability to coordinate both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner; for example, stabilizing paper with one hand while writing/ cutting with the other. Good bilateral integration/ coordination is an indicator that both sides of the brain are communicating effectively and sharing information. […]
Taking Care of Your Child’s Voice
Why? Because a child who misuses or abuses his/her voice can develop vocal nodules which will make their voice sound hoarse and raspy. If your child continues to push their voice despite the hoarseness, they can eventually lose their voice which is a condition called aphonia. Your child will be very frustrated at this point. […]
Core Strength, Why it is Important for Your Child
Core strength is the development of the torso muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body. Poor core strength can cause poor posture which can also affect gross motor and fine motor skills. Building strong core strength is like building a strong foundation for your child. Core strength development starts as an infant. […]
Classroom Accommodations for Children with Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing disorder is the inability to accurately process auditory information. Children who have auditory processing weaknesses or who have been diagnosed with auditory processing disorder (APD) may exhibit the following characteristics: easily distracted in a noisy environment, difficulty following directions, impaired memory skills, and difficulty with reading, spelling, or writing. These children usually have […]
How to Teach Correct Pencil Grip
Occupational Therapist Laura explains an easy method for learning correct pencil grip. A proper grip is essential to handwriting success. If your child struggles with handwriting, give this trip a try!