Helping your child through COVID-19

Children feel stress and anxiety just like adults! They just express it in different ways. When children express anxiety or fears about the pandemic, there are some things parents can do to help.    Model a positive outlook and be aware of what you discuss in front of your children.  Children will take their cues […]

Screen Time Dilemmas

Screen Time Dilemmas We’ve all read the articles warning us of the dangers of too much screen time and the impact on child development. But in today’s culture, technology is not just a luxury but a necessity. In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics introduced new, more flexible screen time recommendations that do not include […]

Safe Sleep

Occupations are life activities that individuals engage in, anything that is meaningful and purposeful to someone. Sleep, activities related to obtaining restorative rest and sleep to support healthy, active engagement in other occupations, is crucial throughout one’s lifespan. Sleep particularly comes to mind when you think of infants and new mommas! The American Academy of […]

If Your Children Had 3 Wishes, What Would They Wish?

I can remember when I was a little girl being asked if I could wish for anything in the whole wide world what would it be?  My answer was a princess or I wished I could fly.  Recently, I took a poll of my kids to see what their three wishes might be.  The answers […]

Handwriting: Is it Still Important in the Age of Technology?

No one can question the fact that technology has changed how we do things. One of the things it has changed is written communication. Most of us depend on technology on a daily basis to communicate via e-mails and texts. Today’s schools provide students with access to computers and tablets for research as well as […]