Attachment Building at Home

family making smoothie

As we have all learned over the past year of social distancing, relationships with other people are incredibly important. This is even more true for our children and teens. From day one, we all start building attachments with those around us: caregivers, family, friends, etc. Those relationships help us to learn about ourselves and the world […]

Feeling stressed? …Your children may be feeling stressed too

by Stephen Betts, LPC, ATR-BC We often think of stress as mainly affecting adults. We may not often stop to consider how stress affects children as well. 2020 has been a stressful year for most people. This year has brought many unexpected changes including health concerns, job losses, changes in daily routines, and working or […]

Seating Tips for Virtual Learning

Child'sPlay Therapy

Proper seating and positioning is essential for learning. Check out these tips from our physical therapists, Lacey Ellis and Laura Lee, to help get the most out of your child’s virtual learning experience. Lacey Ellis, PT, DPT Laura Lee, PT, DPT  

Helping your child through COVID-19

Children feel stress and anxiety just like adults! They just express it in different ways. When children express anxiety or fears about the pandemic, there are some things parents can do to help.    Model a positive outlook and be aware of what you discuss in front of your children.  Children will take their cues […]