New CDC Milestones as Seen from a Speech Therapist’s Perspective


With the recent release of the CDC’s new developmental milestones, there has been a lot of buzz about how to interpret and use these new recommendations. As parents and practitioners, our ultimate goal is to do what is best for our children, but sometimes it is hard to know exactly what that is when information […]

Seating Tips for Virtual Learning

Child'sPlay Therapy

Proper seating and positioning is essential for learning. Check out these tips from our physical therapists, Lacey Ellis and Laura Lee, to help get the most out of your child’s virtual learning experience. Lacey Ellis, PT, DPT Laura Lee, PT, DPT  

‘Tis the Season

Lacey Ellis, PT, DPT & Morgan Bernd, OTR/L Christmas is quickly approaching and we’ve gathered up some ideas from our therapists of gifts for all ages that are fun and entertaining while helping target those skills they’ve been working on throughout the year. On top of tangible presents, one of our biggest suggestions that can […]

The importance of Tummy Time

As a parent or guardian of a newborn, you will frequently read how important it is for babies to have “tummy time”.  It sounds simple enough in the literature, but sometimes parents will give up because their babies will wail each time you lay them on their tummy. So for this blog, I wanted to […]

Youth Sports Related Concussions and How to Avoid Them

Gone are the days when my friends and I would try to bounce each other off a trampoline and over the neighbors fence. Safety is always on the forefront of our minds these days, but as we all know, things happen. More and more kids are enrolling in competitive sports (instead of doing dumb tricks […]

Fine Motor Milestones & Facilitation

Use this list of the typical progression of grasping patterns that develop in the first year to give your child the most appropriate toys and activities for each stage. There are several motivating ways to help your baby develop the varying grasp patterns which will eventually lead to a variety of fine motor skills as […]

What Can I Do At Home? PLAY!

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Parents often ask what they can do at home to help their child meet therapy goals.  As therapists we often have recommendations and strategies for home to give you, and we will certainly send home homework from time to time.  But, […]

One-Up Rule

As parents, you are the model for your child’s language. All parents stay busy, but each day is filled with opportunities to teach language skills to your child. Whether in the car, in the grocery store, or at home during daily routines, you have the best opportunity to show your child how to talk! There […]

Promoting Good Behavior

Children “act out” for many reasons and in many different ways. Often, the children we work with at Child’sPlay Therapy Center exhibit behaviors which are the result of their delay or disability.  For example, they may be frustrated by difficulty communicating, or they may be reacting to overstimulation due to a sensory processing disorder.  Other […]