Infant Massage is a positive interaction between infants and their caregivers. It connects the caregivers and child through an intimate, securing pattern on touch and response that enhances attachment and teaches the caregiver to recognize communication cues from their child.

Child’sPlay Therapy Center has a physical therapist, Laura Lee, in the Chelsea office certified in Infant Massage by the International Loving Touch Foundation. Massage instruction can be integrated into traditional physical therapy, but will soon be available in a small class format.

While any family will benefit from learning infant massage, families who have experienced a NICU stay, post-partum depressive symptoms, or feeding problems will gain particular benefits both physically and emotionally. Infant massage stimulates circulation, promotes body awareness, advances the child’s developmental milestones, improves infant weight gain, and decreases stress in both participants!


  • Relaxation
  • Improved infant social skills
  • Improved sleep
  • Bonding
  • Security
  • Improved weight gain
  • Improved immune system
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Increased muscle tone

Contact us today to schedule a session or learn more about Infant Massage!

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