Written by Shayla Frazier
What is visual memory?
Visual Memory is one part of a large arena known as visual perceptual skills. Visual memory focuses on one’s ability to recall visual information that has been seen. Visual memory is a critical factor in reading and writing. When a child is writing a word, he must recall the formation of parts of the letter from memory. It can be terribly frustrating for one with a visual memory deficit to perform a handwriting, spelling, or word copying exercise. Children with difficulty in visual memory will have trouble copying letters, words, and sentences from a chalkboard or book. They may present with very slow handwriting, trouble forming letters, and mixing up letters or words within sentences. Producing written work on worksheets and tests may be difficult. Recalling sight words in reading exercises can be hard as well as following along in a reading activity during stop and start tasks, due to comprehension and difficulty recalling what was read. Kids with visual memory deficits can demonstrate difficulty with formation of letters and numbers and appear “lazy” in their written work.
Activities to improve visual memory deficits
Copy Cat Game: Place a tray of items in front of the child. The items could be letters, numbers, shapes, or objects. Allow them 30 seconds to memorize all of the items. Then cover the tray with a piece of paper. Ask the child to recall as many items as they can. You can grade this activity up by removing items and having the child recall what item is missing.

More Activities to help with Visual Memory Deficits:

I spy games using number, letters, and books.*You can encourage the child to recall the items to  be found using visual memory and write the items on a sheet of paper for handwriting*.
 Memory games
Sequencing games
 Concentration games
 What’s missing games        
 Matching games                      
 Writing letters or words using a dry erase board

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